
ossiclar reconstruction






Otosclerosis/Stapes Surgery:
Sound enters the ear through the external ear canal. When the sound waves hit the eardrum it vibrates. The eardrum is connected to the inner ear through a series of three bones called the ossicles. The eardrum is connected to the malleus (hammer), which is connected to the incus (anvil), which in turn is attached to the stapes (stirrup). The stapes is connected to the inner ear. When the eardrum vibrates it sets the three bones in motion. As the stapes vibrates, it sends signals to the inner ear, which then turns these signals into nerve impulses and sends them to the brain.

Otosclerosis occurs when there is an excess growth of bone around the connections of the ossicles and particularly at the site where the stapes meets the inner ear. Any of the ossicles can be involved by otosclerosis, but the stapes is most commonly involved. In order to restore the mobility of the ossicles a stapedectomy or stapedotomy is performed. In these procedures the stapes, the last of the three bones in the middle ear, is partially or completely replaced by a prosthesis. This allows for transmission of the sound waves to the inner ear and can dramatically improve hearing.

The most important risk of a stapedectomy is complete loss of hearing in the ear. The risk of this occurrence is considerably dependent on the experience of the surgeon. The physicians at Berks ENT Surgical Associates are highly experienced with this procedure, making a hearing loss unlikely. While hearing loss is a low risk, the potential improvement is enormous. To learn more about this procedure and how it can improve your hearing a discussion with an experienced surgeon is highly recommended.

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