
ossiclar reconstruction






Patients who have a cholesteatoma or chronic ear infections, or who have had mastoid surgery in the past, may be interested in mastoid cavity and ear canal reconstruction. Mastoid surgery is usually performed for the removal of a cholesteatoma, a cystic destructive growth behind the eardrum, or to eliminate chronic ear infections. The surgery often significantly changes the shape of the ear canal, leaving a large cavity (mastoid cavity) which requires frequent cleaning for life. This is bothersome to the patient because typically they must see their Otolaryngologist every few months just to have their ear cleaned out. Dr. Gianfranco Toso has developed a technique that allows for immediate reconstruction of the ear canal and mastoid cavity at the time of mastoid surgery. This procedure results in a relatively normal ear canal, which does not require the long term cleaning procedures. The reconstruction is done at the time of the mastoid surgery, and does not require a second procedure. This technique also results in an extremely low recurrence rate for the cholesteatoma. Patients who have had mastoid surgery in the past are also candidates for this procedure. If you have a mastoid cavity that requires frequent cleaning this type of surgery may be beneficial to you. Before a patient can be considered for this surgery a full evaluation and examination is essential. The surgeons at Berks ENT Surgical Associates, Inc. have extensive ear surgery experience and can provide advice regarding this type of surgery.

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